Sieges, Raids, and Bosses Reborn
Game Type: Aion Live
Effective Date: After Maintenance on November 12
Hello Live Daevas,
We are excited to reveal that we have done a complete rework for many popular game mechanics including: Sieges, Raids, World Bosses, and the Apsaranta Agents based on community feedback. We would like to thank all of those who put their thoughts and reports in the suggestions channel on Discord. Our goal is to make all of the Sieges and Raids more accessible to our players and to bring back more enjoyable content to the game. Thank you again and please keep the constructive feedback coming in Discord.
Effective Date: After Maintenance on November 12
Hello Live Daevas,
We are excited to reveal that we have done a complete rework for many popular game mechanics including: Sieges, Raids, World Bosses, and the Apsaranta Agents based on community feedback. We would like to thank all of those who put their thoughts and reports in the suggestions channel on Discord. Our goal is to make all of the Sieges and Raids more accessible to our players and to bring back more enjoyable content to the game. Thank you again and please keep the constructive feedback coming in Discord.
World Boss Spawn Times
World Boss spawns have now been adjusted to better reflect community play times. Due to some previous bugs involving maintenance times, bosses were spawning late into the night/early morning and will now be spawning between 8pm-10pm PDT with the respawn scheduled 66h later (2 days and 18 hours) which places the next spawn around prime playing time.
We realize the World Boss spawning system can get complicated due to maintenance times but we feel this should solve the previous issue. Please let us know how this affects your World Boss playing experience in Discord.
We realize the World Boss spawning system can get complicated due to maintenance times but we feel this should solve the previous issue. Please let us know how this affects your World Boss playing experience in Discord.
Sieges and Raids HP Reductions
Due to several factors, many Sieges and Raids have not been achievable. We have now lowered the difficulty, allowing players both complete the content and enjoy them in a more timely manner. As always, please keep us updated on the difficulty and your experiences in Discord. We hope these changes bring more fun content back to the game!
World Bosses
Marchutan's Agent Mastarius - 20% Reduction
Kaisinel's Agent Veille - 20% Reduction
Enraged Marchutan's Agent Mastarius - 40% Reduction
Enraged Kaisinel's Agent Veille - 40% Reduction
Flameruin Legion Raid
Special Air Forces Commander - 60% Reduction
Silona Siege
Ulsaruk - 60% Reduction
Flameruin Legion Raid
Special Air Forces Commander - 60% Reduction
Silona Siege
Ulsaruk - 60% Reduction
Dux - 60% Reduction
Stallari - 60% Reduction
Gates - 60% Reduction
Pradeth Siege
Ulsaruk - 60% Reduction
Dux - 60% Reduction
Stallari - 60% Reduction
Gates - 60% Reduction
Divine Fortress Siege (Reshanta)
Gates - 60% Reduction
Divine Fortress Siege (Reshanta)
Gates - 60% Reduction
Guardian Deity General Orissan - 60% Reduction
Apsaranta Agent Fix
Previously, the Apsaranta Agents were reported as being immune to any debuffs. We have now worked with the development team to set more realistic immune and defense values.
Please let us know how your progress goes with these new agents:
Please let us know how your progress goes with these new agents:
Thank you again Daevas and we appreciate your patience and dedication to making the game more enjoyable for all.
Thank you again Daevas and we appreciate your patience and dedication to making the game more enjoyable for all.