Game Type: Aion Classic
Event Duration: July 16 – July 30

How are your paintings coming along? If you have incomplete paintings don’t miss this chance to complete them! During the Time of Memory event, named monsters in Instance Dungeons will drop painting pieces. Gather your allies and challenge these Instances to earn both glory and valuable painting pieces. Complete your masterpieces and reap the benefits they hold! See the full details below.


Instance Dungeon

Boss Monster

Drop Item

Beshmundir's Walk


 Unconfirmed Lesser Dramata Painting Piece x10

Telos of the Forgotten

Enraged Samael

 Unconfirmed Lesser Dramata Painting Piece x20


Low-end Phaistos

 Unconfirmed Lesser Dramata Painting Piece x30

Wall of Lament

Tragic Samael

 Unconfirmed Greater Dramata Painting Piece x20

Phaistos’ Disk


 Unconfirmed Greater Dramata Painting Piece x10


 Enraged Tempus Research Center Chairman

 Unconfirmed Regular Dramata Painting Piece x10

Padmarashka's Cave

Raging Padmarashka

 Unconfirmed Regular Dramata Painting Piece x10