Game Type: Aion Live 
Promotion Duration: June 4 – June 18 

It's time to enchant Gemstones! The more you strengthen them, the more powerful they become. Take this opportunity to strengthen your Gemstone skills as much as you can! 

In addition, Runestones that have a transformational strengthening effect are also important. The stronger Runestone, the greater the effect. Try leveling up your Runestones to increase their transformative ability! See full details below.


Store Update






Refining/Sanctity Bundle 

[BCM] Refining Stone/Sanctity Potion Selection Box 


1000 NCoin 

[BCM] Refining Stone/Sanctity Potion Selection Box Piece 

Item Description

[BCM] Refining Stone/Sanctity Potion Selection Box 

  • When opening, you can select 1x Ancient Refining Stone or Ancient Sanctity Potion 

[BCM] Gemstone/Runestone Selection Box Fragment

  • When assembling 5 pieces, obtain 1x Gemstone Selection Box 

Gemstone Selection Box

  • Upon opening, obtain a choice of 1 x Runestone Selection Box (12 types) or 1 x [BCM] Dazzling Gemstone Selection Box